death, and it will be unendurable pain, an unendurable existence. It will be impossible to live without death. Death defines life, gives it a kind of intensity; because life is fleeting, each moment becomes precious. If life is eternal, then who cares? One can wait for tomorrow forever —then who will live now and here? Because tomorrow there is death, it forces you to live now and here. You have to plunge into the present moment; you have to go to its ultimate depth, because who knows, the next moment may come, may not come.”
OSHO –“What do you mean when you say: I am a Christian, or I am a Hindu, or I am a Buddhist? It means that I believe Gautama Buddha is going to be my redeemer, that I am simply waiting for Jesus Christ to come and redeem me. You have dropped every effort to transform yourself and that is the only way there is for any kind of transformation.”
OSHO –“Your body is already dead. What gives you the impression that it is alive is your life force, your being, which radiates through the .body which fills the body with aliveness. All that you have seen when people die is .that something has disappeared. You don’t know where it has gone whether it has gone anywhere, or simply ceased to be. So from the outside the fiction of death has been created.”
OSHO-“All moments are beautiful, only you have to be receptive and surrendering. All moments are blessings, only you have to be capable of seeing. All moments are benedictions. If you accept with deep gratitude, nothing ever goes wrong.”
OSHO-“All the Buddhas of all the ages have been telling you a very simple fact: Be — don’t try to become. Within
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