it should. Life is perfect. There is no way to improve upon it. Then celebration starts.”
OSHO-“Laughter has tremendous beauty, a lightness. It will bring lightness to you, and it will give you wings to fly. A good laugh is tremendously meditative.”
OSHO-“Laughter is far more sacred than prayer, because prayer can be done by anyone whereas to laugh, one needs to have presence of mind; a quickness of seeing into things.”
OSHO-“Laughter is not irreligious. Laughter is one of the most evolved phenomena in human life. No other animal can laugh, it is only man who can laugh.”
OSHO-“Let your laughter be your only prayer Let your joy be your only offering. Love life! Love small things! Don’t miss a single moment.”
OSHO-“Life is not esoteric at all. It is written on each leaf of each tree, on each pebble on the seashore; it is contained in each ray of the sun—whatever you come across is life in all its beauty.”
OSHO-“Love makes you a unity — and not a union, remember, but a unity. Because in a union those who join together remain separate. In a unity they dissolve, they become one, they melt into each other. And that moment I call the moment of truth, when love has given you unity First, love gives you unity in your innermost core. Then you are no more a body, no more a mind, no more a soul. You are simply one —unnamed, undefined, unclassified. No more determinate, definable, no more comprehensible. A mystery, a joy, a surprise, a jubilation, a great celebration.”
OSHO-“My whole teaching consists of two words, “meditation” and “love”. Meditate
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