awful majesty; Hear, dearest, how his thunders ring like royal drums, and see His lightning-banners wave; a cloud For elephant he rides, And finds his welcome from the crowd Of lovers and of brides.”
KALIDASA –“The silver clouds that vie with the whiteness of white lotuses are kissing the black boulders of mountains on mountaintops, while the mountainsides are bestrewn with mountain-rapids, and widespread with debut dancing of peacocks, and all this is inducing a carnivalesque visual revelry…”
KALIDASA –“The sky on every side is shrouded by rain clouds/ Which wear the beauty of deep blue lotus petals, / And here look like heaps of made-up eye-salve, and there/ Possess the charm of breasts of women with child.”
KALIDASA –“To you, dear, may the cloudy time Bring all that you desire, Bring every pleasure, perfect, prime, To set a bride on fire; May rain whereby life wakes and shines Where there is power of life, The unchanging friend of clinging vines, Shower blessings on my wife.”
KALIDASA –“With streaming clouds trumpeting like haughty tuskers,/ with lightning banners and drum beats of thunder claps,/ in towering majesty the season of rains/ welcome to lovers, now comes like a king, my love.”
HABAKKUK –“God, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like hind’s feet, he makes me tread upon high places.”
HADITH –“God is beautiful and loves beauty.”
HADITH OF ABU DAWUD –“Surely Allah will raise for this community at the beginning of every century one who shall revive for it its faith.”
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