world:/ To encourage laughter, freedom, dance/ And love./ Let a noble cry inside of you speak to me/ Saying, “Hafiz,/ Don’t just sit there on the moon tonight/ Doing nothing —/ Help unfurl my heart into the Friend’s Mind,/Help, Old Man, to heal my wounded wings!”/We are the companions of His Beauty/We are the guardians/Of Truth./ Every man, plant and creature in Existence,/ Every woman, child, vein and note/ Is a servant of purr Beloved —/ A harbinger of joy,/ The harbinger of Light.”
HAFLZ –“When I became a lover I thought I had gained the Pearl of the Goal; foolish I did not know that this Pearl lies on the floor of an ocean which has innumerable waves to be encountered and great depths to be sounded.”
HAFTZ –“Even after all this time/ The sun never says to the earth,/ “You owe Me”./ Look what happens with A love like that,/It lights the Whole Sky.”
HAFTZ– “I have learned so much from God that I can no longer call myself a Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Jew.”
HAIDAKHAN BABAJI –“0 benevolent Lord, benevolent Lord, You who are the personification of all that is good. I bow down to you again and again. Husband of Girija daughter of the mountain, Carrying Ganga in your locks. Shiva Hara Hara, you take away all the miseries of life. I bow down to you again and again.”
HELENA BLAVATSKY -“That which is part of our souls is eternal… Those lives are countless, but the soul or spirit that animates us throughout these myriads of existences is the same. Though “the book and volume” of the physical brain may forget events within the scope of one terrestrial life, the bulk of
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