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Power Tarot: More Than 100 Spreads That Give Specific Answers to Your Most Important Question

Rating: (out of 33 reviews)

List Price: CDN$ 19.99

Price: CDN$ 8.38

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5 Responses to Power Tarot: More Than 100 Spreads That Give Specific Answers to Your Most Important Question Reviews

  • Jenea Hayes says:

    Review by Jenea Hayes for Power Tarot: More Than 100 Spreads That Give Specific Answers to Your Most Important Question
    After reading the glowing reviews on Amazon for this book, I knew I had to check it out. And I’m really glad I did check it out–out of the library, that is, instead of buying it. This book failed to live up to the promise of all of these good reviews.Here is the book I thought I was getting (this book would get five stars): A detailed explanation of a large number of spreads. This explanation would include suggestions for choosing a spread and the strengths and weaknesses of various spreads. The spreads would be organized by theme, cross-referenced in any of a number of ways (number of cards used, spreads using whole decks vs. partial decks, spreads to use with unique decks, etc.). Each spread would include one or two sample spreads that would give you a flavor of what it could do.Unfortunately, here is what “Power Tarot” is: A book of card meanings that just so happens to have a large listing of spreads. The first (and larger) portion of the book is dedicated to card meanings while the spreads (ostensibly the focus of the books) are relegated to the back. The spreads are organized not by theme but by number of cards in the spread, making it rather difficult to locate a spread you might want to use in a given situation. Most importantly (and most disappointingly), beyond the name of the spread no information or analysis is given as to why you might choose a given spread. There are no tips for reading the different spreads, no comparisons between spreads, nothing.It is true that there are more than 100 spreads in the book, which is an impressive collection. This feat is the only reason I give the book two stars instead of one.

  • S. Peterson says:

    Review by S. Peterson for Power Tarot: More Than 100 Spreads That Give Specific Answers to Your Most Important Question
    I loved this book. I bought it for spreads and was more disatisfied there because it just shows layouts and what each card position refers to rather than going in more depth how to read card combinations or having an example. I would have given less that 5 stars if not that the rest of the book was so helpful and insightful. It's contains definitions of what each card means if it appears in: a general reading, a work reading, a love reading, a finance reading, a health reading, a spirituality reading, and an empowerment reading. It also explains what cards are good for yes/no/maybe, how to use cards to determine timing, what to do when a reading/card combination does not make sense (he suggests its not the time to read them, and how to approach a client on this and what to say). Also, it is written by someone who worked 900 lines (which I do) so he understands you need to be able to read fast and cold etc. He also explains how readings are not written in stone. I mostly liked that his card interpretations offered something positive to relay to your client even if the card drawn is negative. In most of his definitions, he offers what will shift negative energy around and what will keep the positive energy flowing. Its very positive and inspiring, especially if you would like to read in more of a way to help the client shift patterns and blocks rather than just telling them outcomes.

  • Kellie J. says:

    Review by Kellie J. for Power Tarot: More Than 100 Spreads That Give Specific Answers to Your Most Important Question
    I refer to this book often. It covers a wide range of topics and concerns. In addition, I use this book as a springboard for coming up with my own spreads. Sometimes using the shape and redefining the positions, sometimes adding meanings and positions, etc. This book is an invaluable reference for advanced and beginning tarotists.

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Power Tarot: More Than 100 Spreads That Give Specific Answers to Your Most Important Question
    This is the book!!! If you need a bit of help with meanings this book covers a lot for each card. The spreads are easy to understand and with practice your skill will grow ten fold!
    I can’t say enough about this book. It’s really a wonderful aid for people that struggle with certain card meanings.

  • Janet Boyer says:

    Review by Janet Boyer for Power Tarot: More Than 100 Spreads That Give Specific Answers to Your Most Important Question
    Let me start off by saying this book provides far more than just Tarot spreads. Admittedly, the promise of 100 spreads was the reason I bought this book in the first place. As I began my journey reading Tarot, I needed spreads to practice my skills–only knowing the common Past/Present/Future spread. There were spreads online, but I wanted a resource in book form.Suprisingly, out of 288 pages, only 84 pages contain spreads–and they’re in the back. The authors show you how to do a Yes/No spread, and which cards represent yes, which cards represent no and those that represent maybe. The rest of the spreads are categorized by the number of cards, spanning from the single “Card a Day” spread to the 24 card Double Horoscope Spread.Spreads include Birthday Spread, Child Spread, Prosperity Spread, Horoscope Spread (covering all 12 Houses of the Astrological Chart), Chakra Spread (a card for each chakra plus a meditation card), Relationship Spread, Wish Spread, Career Spread, and New Relationship Spread.My two favorites are the Mirror Spread and the Treasure Chest Spread.The authors have this to say about the Mirror Spread: “Quite often, the qualities we dislike in another person are qualities in ourselves we aren’t crazy about, either. In this way, the Mirror Spread addresses our shadow selves as well as our projections. The fifth position, what is really there, is actually a summation of a relationship’s weakness or strengths.”Mirror SpreadCard 1: The image: how you see the other person
    Card 2: The reflection: how the other person sees him/herself
    Card 3: What the other person represents to you
    Card 4: What you represent to the other person
    Card 5: What is really thereI love the Treasure Chest Spread because of its imagery and because it’s so affirming to the individual.Treasure Chest SpreadCard 1: Diamonds Where you shine. Major talents, abilities and assets that you have
    Card 2: Pearls What you know. Knowledge and information that you have incorporated into your life
    Card 3: Gold coins What you have. Money and material possessions currently available to you
    Card 4: Emeralds Who you know. Relationships that are now part of your life
    Card 5: Platinum Chains What’s holding you back. Things or people in your life that you need to release
    Card 6: Sapphires Where you could shine. Emerging talents, assets, and abilities.
    Card 7: Quartz Crystals What you’re learning. Knowledge and information that you could incorporate into your life.
    Card 8: Rubies Who you may soon know. Relationships that are entering your life.
    Card 9: Unpolished Diamonds Your hidden lights. Assets and talents that you can develop. As I mentioned, however, this book is much more than just spreads. I found it incredibly helpful in learning the meanings and nuances of Tarot cards because the authors take each of the 78 cards of Tarot, and show you what each means for different scenarios. The authors devote a paragraph to each issue, explaining what the card means in a general reading and for questions related to work, romance, finances, health, spirituality, and empowerment. So, if the querent is asking a question about finances, for example, and the Hermit is drawn, you would find the section on the Hermit card, and read the paragraph under Finances to get an idea of what this means. Power Tarot also features brief, general information on the Major and Minor Arcana, the Court Cards, personal loss cards, and the four elements. I highly recommend this book for those who are curious about Tarot, wanting to know how it works and what the cards mean, as well as beginning readers trying to put it all together. The variation of the 100+ spreads will appeal to both the beginner, and the seasoned veteran Tarot reader.

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