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Practical Magick ? Don’t Let Fear Hold Your Magick Back

In this article I’m going to outline one of the main reasons why so many wannabe occultists achieve little to no result with their magick, and how you need to avoid this mistake if you want to master real practical magick.

Do you want to know the real goal of 99.99% of people that practice or research magick? They are interested in magick because of the power it can give them. It doesn’t matter if this power comes in the form of money, luck, love, sex, knowledge, or even if they do magick to help someone else; ultimately, what they hope to achieve with magick is to gain more power:  power over the world, power over others, and power over their destiny.

It may seem obvious, but think about all the people that claim to practice magick but at the same time try to scare you off from using magick for personal gain: why do they do that? Either they are lying to themselves, or they are lying to you. Most of them haven’t been able to fully let go on the stigma associated with magick in mainstream culture and religion, and, more importantly, the stigma associated with ambition and wanting more power. Others may be purposefully lying to prevent you from being successful with magick, but that’s another topic.

If you want to practice magick, this is a trap you need to avoid. In order to be a true witch, mystic, warlock or whatever, there is an important thing you need to do first: you must GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION. Ask yourself: what do I want to accomplish with magick? Am I scared it may misfire if I use it for selfish reasons? Do I think wanting more power is wrong?

If you let those fear hold you back, you will never be successful with magick. Let go of your fears, realize that there is nothing wrong in wanting more from your life and that you DESERVE to achieve the power to control your destiny.

This is the first step in your journey to achieve real magickal power.

What are the next steps, then? To know the answer, follow the link and learn true Practical Magick

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