& adverse side-effects of antibiotics, sedatives and certain other
drugs and the disillusionment with the promises of science &
technology made millions turn to Oriental philosophies, divine
practices & systems of therapy.
The response from the Orient was benevolent. Favoured by the
social revolution that swept through several countries in the West
in the 1960s, these countries, especially the US, came to be
flooded with Gurus and Yogis. Yoga, TM, Reiki – all attained
world-wide popularity.
Three Modern Movements
As a byproduct three modern movements came into being.
They are Neo-humanisn, interreligious dialogue and Holistic
Health. The term ‘Neo-humanism’ refers to a basic change
in modern man’s attitude towards himself and his fellowmen
which is characterised by
a) the recognition of the essential goodness of man
b) focus on existential problems
c) striving for higher transcendental experience.
The contribution of Ramakrishna Movement to inter-faith dialogue
was immense. Other movements like Maharshi International
University & Self Realisation Fellowship contributed to this change
in the human mindset.
Holistic Health
Holistic Health refers to a modern movement which regards health as
a dynamic state of the total human being. Although the symptoms of
a disease may be found in certain tissues or organs, health is not a
mere removal of such symptoms by the treatment of the affected