voluntary control over the healing
processes taking place in his body. After the aftermath of Pavlov’s
demonstration of conditioned reflexes, another Russian scientist
K M Bykov and his colleagues showed in 1924 that several
involuntary processes such as regulation of body heat, heart rhythm,
production of urine, BP etc which were mediated by the autonomic
nervous system could be brought under voluntary control. The above
finding was corroborated later during experiments conducted on
animals under ‘operant’ (voluntary)conditioning. Hundreds of people
found that they could bring under control their heart rhythm, brain
waves etc with the help of the biofeedback technique. Indian Yogis
in the West also demonstrated that they could alter metabolic rate,
heartbeat, body temperature etc simply by their will power, without
the use of any biofeedback instruments.
More information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can be
had from http://www.astrologiavedica.com/html/yogamain.htm
Holistic health practioners invaded the scene at this juncture.
They showed that not only certain organs but the working of the whole
system such as the digestive system, the respiratory system, circulatory
system etc ( known as the Systems concept ) could be regulated simply
by changing one’s life-style & affinities. It was claimed that even
diseases such as cancer could be cured or held in check be creating
strong faith & the right type of consciousness.Despite the exaggeration
and the propaganda which