Pranic Therapy Ii
Pranic Therapy Part II
All the four forces in the Universe – weak nuclear force, strong nuclear
force, electricity & magnetism -are but different manifestations of
that Unitary Power which the Vedists call Prana. Using this Vital Energy
to heal is called Pranic Therapy. This article is a continuation of the
earlier article Pranic Therapy Part I.
Application of Chaos Theory in the field of Medicine
Another breathtaking development in medicine is the application of Chaos
Theory. Chaos theory,advanced by Mendelbrot, is a mathematical theory
applied to non-linear and random events. It sees order in chaos. Most of
ordinary phenomena in the world such as changes of weather, the
behaviour of cancer cells, occurrence of heart attack, movement of
electrons etc, do not seem to follow any regular & recurrent pattern &
are unpredictable on the basis of linear mathematics . Though it
contradicts Laplace, its positive aspect is that is sees Cosmos ( order )
in Chaos.
Chaos theory of maths tries to find a more meaningful correlation &
behavioural pattern in such systems. One of the most fundamental
properties of an organism is Homeostasis, the maintenance of a
fixed internal milieu, especially with regard to body temperature, BP,
pH etc.The earlier school of thought regarded homeostasis as health,
( Walter Cannon called it “the wisdom of the body” ) & any deviation
from it was disease. But Chaos theory revolutionised this thinking &
pointed out that