Knowledge of the Psychosomatic Machine
If the patient is aware of the disease and its aetiology, about his body’s
immune power and if he can bear physical pain temporarily, with a stoic
calmness, he can avoid a lot of unnecessary medication.
In the Holistic Model, the cause of any disease is understood in terms of
the whole person and not in terms of a particular organ or tissue. As Sir
William Osler put it, it is more import to know the patient who has the
disease than the disease of the patient. Plato remarked that ” the treatment
of the parts should not be attempted without treatment of the entirety”
The one person who knows about the patient more than anybody else
is the patient himself.
Compliments should go to Western Science which has discovered
a lot of knowledge by research & which is the result of the painstaking
labour of thousands of dedicated scientists for more than 200 years.
This accumulated treasure is humanity’s precious heritage and only
charlatans will ignore or undervalue it. It is imperative that
every educated person should have a basic knowledge of human
anatomy & physiology, and also of Western psychology. However this
research is analytical and incomplete.
A Holistic Model was developed by the Sages of India 2500 years ago.
The Five Levels of Being – The Yogic Model
These are the five concentric sheaths enveloping the Self, the Divine
Spark in man !
1. Physical Sheath ( Annamaya Kosha )
2. Vital Sheath ( Pranamaya