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Preparing For Your Interview – Knowing the CEO Helps!

As a former Director working within the Financial Services Division of a vast multi-national Information Technology (IT) corporation, I was extensively involved in pre-sales presentations and responses to Request for Proposals (RFP’s). Invariably after several meetings with a myriad of executives and department managers, a formal presentation of our products and solutions was scheduled. In coordinating this presentation to the financial institution, we endeavored to ensure that key decision makers affiliated with the purchasing decision were available and would be present.

When preparing our executive presentation, a vital element incorporated was our Value and Mission statements. We emphasized how our values, culture, and vision coincided with the strategic vision and mission of the corporation. The genesis of this overlap in cultures was typically based on direct comments from the institution’s CEO – information which was typically accessible on the corporate website. This segment of the presentation included a photo of the CEO (if available), and selected quotes.  This piece was highly targeted to reinforce and emphasize how our strategic vision corresponded with the values and foresight expressed by the CEO, resulting in a mutual common bond.

Many of the attendees were not even aware of the information we shared about their institution along with comments from their CEO. Invariably, this information had a significant and sobering impact on the attendees. In a highly competitive sales and marketing situation, every resource should be uncovered and exploited to your full benefit. In a pivotal situation, ‘Name-dropping’ doesn’t hurt! After the presentation, we were commended by our resourcefulness and advised that

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