established Christianity alongside the Julian Calendar.
The primary 130-year age of Adam comes gained directly from the words of the Holy Bible. Primary ages span from the onset of each Biblical character until the age he begat the next named Patriarch. The primary 130-year age of Adam confirms a 130-year period. From Genesis 5:3 onward, these characters were the ancestors of humanity. In every Holy Bible, that we can pick up and read, these numbers are always the same. Adam’s era started recording the calendar.
Genesis 5:3
“And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness,
after his image; and called his name Seth:”
The primary 130-year age of Adam is the foremost bridge joining the age of Adam to the Mayan 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle. Other parallels exist between the Biblical genealogy of Adam through to Noah and the numerical time computations of the ancient Sun Kingdoms’ Calendars. Clear patterns demonstrate the relationship between chronologies of Genesis with the Mesoamerican Calendars. Parallel trends numerically match days and years in a singe term for the generations of Adam. The triune components found with the 365-day-solar-year include two identical periods of 130-days each and the remaining 105-days. Three-way numbering of 365-years stems from numerical matching properties of the 364-day-Ethiopic-year. One 365-year-solar-cycle includes two identical periods of 130-years each and the remaining 105-years. A 365-day-and-year-solar-single-term encapsulates the first two generations of the Antediluvian Calendar. Ancient 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-years so often seen in the carvings and idioms of the Mesoamericans directly embellish