to the Great Flood era.
Consider the posture of Adam’s calendar age amongst the many theological doctrines that are now at our service. Two significant topics are open for further discussion and inquiries. In the first viewpoint, the same almighty God that created Adam disseminated calendar information to Adam as ordained principle. Secondly, conjecture rationalizes that the man, Adam, developed the complex calendar order on his own merit. Most provoking is the latent question we are forced to grapple with — how long did it take to adopt an accurate calendar of this magnitude and array? Arbitration includes that time keeping by lunar/solar recording process held paramount importance with farming disciplines.
Albeit a conservative estimate, we must accept that ingrained 800-year Generation Cycles, along with the required astronomy, formidable mathematics and communication skills were necessary to transfer such astonishing information down through the society. Any time scale of these epic proportions surely must expound a people with remarkable abilities and far in excess of present agreements for prehistoric man in the absolute. The ages recorded for Adam and his descendants underline a culture that we can barely begin to fathom. Early people in the broadest sense of civilization had amazing understanding. Citizens were far beyond what evolution of the species seems to suggest. Intelligence is an adaptive process rather than a gradual production.
Greek writings that regress the 1,460-year Sothic cycle three times are the basis for Egyptian chronology that begins between 4,241 B.C.E. and 4,236 B.C.E. Dates for the Exodus and Ramses II are subject to debate. Egyptologists are certain