A royal timebomb in waiting.
When the terrible news reached the ears of the mayor part of word societies, the word assasination came as easily to the lips of most as a simple mathematical equation. The association seemed obvious and still does today, but as to who could possibly have been behind the trigger, is as mysterious as the very nature of the death itself. Assuming of course that it was an assasination the matter of motive has to feature high up in the list of items that have to be meticulously examined. It is not as simple as hate, exasperation or vested interest in Monarchy. It goes beyond that and there are quarters where few have dared to look.
The world reacted simply to an expected,vengeful, Royal family vendetta, holding the very Queen of England herself directly responsible for the summary execution of an indiscreet challenger. It is suprising that under those circumstances, other members of the family, were not attacked or at best publicly abused.bearing in mind the strength of the conviction. It shows that there was doubt, collective doubt considering the degree of trust and perhaps sentimental attachment that most British people have for their Queen. Despite my own privileged position with respect to the accumulation of contacts within the royal circles over the years, I did not expect such a wide variety of confused and genuinely lame comments from those quarters. Very inner circles were convinced that mavericks within the country´s security services were to blame. They hesitated however, when it came to any indication of a build up of threats or warnings which the Princess herself may have commented on. They “had heard” a