basically told the people of His day that He was their Father Abraham. The people responded by attempting to stone Jesus to Death (John 8:52-59; John 10:30-44). Pharaoh Akhenaten is the Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:1-10) and walks among us today. Do not use your human intellect. Do not use your petty egos and racisms. Use the Internet to view pictures of Pharaoh Akhenaten. Then view pictures of the Commander-In-Chief (Joshua 5:14-15).
God has sent His Actual Son (Sun) to end the present Age (Matthew 21:37-46) and Open the Door (Gateway) to a New Age (Revelation 9:1-20; John 10:3-7; Matthew 25:31-44). Notice how Moses and his army went down into the Red Sea With Pharaoh and His Army (Exodus 14:1-31) (the Bottomless Pit (Revelation 9:1-20)-the Euphrates River (Revelation 16:8-10-Notice “Sun” and “Beast” in verses 8 and 10; Revelation 16:12-Kings of East-Eastern Star-The Sun-Matthew 2:1-10; Notice the Beast, Dragon, Devils and Prophet-Revelation 17:13-14-This describes God Coming To Earth As The Devil To Judge-Read Job 1:1-10; Job 2:1-10; Be Sure To Read John 8:48-49 And John 10:20-Jesus was Repeatedly called “Devil” and “Beelzebub” during His Visit To Earth-Read Job 1:1-10 and Job 2:1-10-Notice how Job mentions Leviathan at Job 41:-9-Noticed how Leviathan is “cast down” just as Moses’ serpents before Pharaoh (Exodus 7:8-12) and Satan Coming To Earth during Judgment are Cast with Serpent-Angels-Revelation 12:1-12)) Doesn’t the Moses-Pharaoh situation at Exodus Chapter 14 sound very similar to the “Michael-Satan” confrontation at Revelation 12:1-end. This is God’s Way of telling us that Moses-Jesus-Satan-Pharaoh are all the Same Person with in His different roles (Jude 9; Exodus 3:1-16; Revelation 11:7-8; Revelation 12:1-end).
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