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Bible teaches us that Jesus Became Sin and Was Forsaken by God on the Cross (Matthew 27:46). A person who has studied the entire Bible and related History will find that both “Evil” and “Light” (Isaiah 45:6-7). Matthew Chapter 13 teaches that God gives “Story Lines” (containing parables and symbols) and deeper messages are given with in those story lines.

3) We now must talk about the Bible God who always comes in thick, dark, black clouds of gloom and darkness (Exodus 19:1-25; Joel 2:1-35; Matthew 27:45). God’s Coming is always witnessed by the Sun, Moon, Stars and Planets (Revelation 12:1-end; Matthew 24:20-34; Joel 2:1-33). A person who has studied the entire Bible and Egyptology will realize that the Bible is an Egyptian Book. Exodus Chapter 19:17 talks about “Nether” and “God’s Feet”. Nether is the Underworld, the World of the Dead and the World of Baal and/or Anpu/Anubis (Do your research). Many pray “Hallow (Hollow-Bottomless Pit) Be Thy Name (Matthew 6:9-13)”. Hallow is the World of Anpu/Anubis and/or Baal. Anpu is the dog, wolf, fox, jackal that the Bible speaks about (John 10:12; Luke 13:29-32; Nehemiah 4:3; Exodus 11:7-In this verse 7 notice the words: “man-beast (beast-man)”, dog, and Egypt-Notice that same phrase “man beast (beast man” at God’s Presence-Exodus 19:10, 13- Notice the “beast-man (man-beast)” phrase during the “Noah’s Day-Angelic/birds/fowls-Psalm 104:1-5 Presence (Genesis 6:7). God Coming In Judgment Is the Man Beast (Beast Man). Jesus made this clear at John 3:14 (Jesus the Man-Serpent). Many people are unaware that God’s Name was Baali (Hosea 2:16). The Bible’s God has always been the Ox or the Bull (Baal). Baal is the Sun and Moon God. Read these scriptures that equate God’s Presence with the Sun, Moon and

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