(Exodus 7:9). Revelation Chapter 12 tells us that Satan was Cast down to Earth. Jesus told Nicodemus that He had Come and would be “Lifted Up” like Moses’ serpents in the Wilderness (John 3:14). The Bible’s teaching idea of the Sun Setting, the Darkness, The Blackness all refer to the Actual Son (Sun) of the Sun God “Coming Down Again” to planet Earth, to end that particular age of human existence. The Sun Jesus (Mark 16:2; Malachi 4:4-10) came down and Met John the Baptist. John the Baptizer was equated with Locust. The Locust are the Angelic Army of God (Revelation 9:1-end). John baptized Jesus into the Jordan River. This act symbolized the Bottomless Pit (Sea, Space-Revelation 13:1-10; Revelation 17:10-16) where God’s Army of Angels reside in the After Life (afterlife-heaven, hell, the hereafter-Psalm 104:20-27). When Jesus was baptized, the Dove (Feminine God) descended upon Jesus (God-Heaven on Earth in Jesus). Jesus was then led to the Mountains (the dwelling place of God which is Nether-the Bottomless Pit-Exodus 19:1-17). In these Mountains Jesus Appeared Before Satan (God coming in Judgment-Job 1:1-10) Who is Leviathan (Job 41:1-5). Jesus also met Angels (God’s Army) in those Mountains (Exodus 19:1-end; Acts 7:53; Hebrews 12:22).
5) Now that we have the basis of what the Bible actually teaches, let’s try to put it all together. At the end of an Age, the Sun begins to set or go down (“even” “night”, “dark”, “darkness” or “evening” (Exodus 22:8; John 1:1; John 14:28; Matthew 24:3). In other words, God sends His Sun (Son) to Earth. That Sun (Son) is Pharaoh Akhenaten who is Commander-In-Chief (Joshua 5:14-15; 1 Peter 2:6; Ephesians 2:20). When this Son comes to Earth, stars (fire, angels) “fall from heaven (Revelation 13:13; Revelation
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