clearly identified Himself as the Tree (King of God’s Kingdom). Keep in mind that the Cross was a Tree (Acts 5:30; Acts 10:39; Deuteronomy 21:23).
The Tree and Stump Of Daniel Chapter 4 are prophetic symbols pointing to Jesus and God’s Kingdom (Daniel 4:34-37).
The Good Investigator and Believers In God’s Promises can now perform a “thorough” search (Investigation) on things associated with the “Fig Tree”.
We will be studying these following “fig tree” verses. Be sure to read and consider: Matthew 24:32-34, Luke 21:28-32 and Mark 13: 28-32.
Now that you have read and considered the above Bible verses, we will perform an Investigator’s “Line-Up”. We will take significant words from those verses. We will use God’s Voice (the Bible) to analyze these words.
You will also need a Bible Concordance for this Investigation. has an online Concordance.
We will analyze these words which were in the above “fig tree” Bible verses: tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer [is] nigh: even, doors, look up, lift up your heads, redemption, draweth, nigh, shoot forth, summer, now nigh at hand, come to pass, the kingdom of God is nigh at hand, and till all these things be done.
Let’s use the Bible to ascertain God’s definition of these “fig tree” related words:
1) Tender-Tender describes the wife of God. At the End of the World, God will Come Again to Marry His Bride (Revelation 19:7-9). One Bible Term for The Marriage of the Lamb is The “Taking of Wives (Genesis 6:2)”. God’s Angels (the Sons of God-The Flood-Flood like Army-Overflow-Daniel 11:40-44) Will Appear and Begin To Gather (Matthew 24:30-34) and Take “Wives” For God (Oneness-Themselves-John 17:17-17-21; John 10:30-34).
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