(Psalm 104:25-27; Revelation 19:17-18).
4) Summer-Summer describes God’s Heated Anger. We know that God showed Adam and Eve mercy because He approached them in the “cool” of the day (Genesis 3:8).
5) Nigh and Nigh at Hand-These Bible terms relate to God’s Mountainous Holy (Kingdom) City being right above us (Nigh-“Kingdom of God is In Your Midst (Joel 2:27)”-Directly Above You-Over Against-Joshua 5:13-15) (Matthew 3:2, 16-17; Matthew 4:8-9; Matthew 17:1-10).
Joel Chapter 2 describes the “End of the World (Day of the Lord)” when God Comes In Judgment. Notice how God’s Kingdom (that Mountain in the Sky) is “nigh at hand” during Judgment Day (Joel 2:1; Luke 21:31).
Notice how “summer (God’s Judgment Anger)” is associated with “nigh at hand” (Luke 21:30).
Notice how both Pharaoh and Moses are both associated with the Bible Word “nigh” (Exodus 14:10; Exodus 32:19; Exodus 24:2).
The above three verses are essentially important. It’s important that you now realize why Moses, Pharaoh, The Calf (cow), the word “wax”, mount and “underneath” are so important.
A) In case you aren’t a diligent Bible Study. Baal is an essential God in the Bible. In Fact, the Bible’s God used to be called Baali (Hosea 2:16). Keep in mind that Jesus was also called “Beelzebub (another name for Baal)”. It’s important to accept that God uses “story lines” to hide Biblical (and Historical) Truths (Matthew 13:1-end). An Investigator must determine if there is a connection between Moses, Pharaoh, Baal and the Mount(ain) of God.
Baal was called the “rider of the clouds”, the thunder God, and the storm (whirlwind) God. Notice how the Bible’s Jesus and God are also called or associated with these names or titles (Revelation 1:7; 2
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