Samuel 22:14; Job 38:1).
B) The Investigator must now shun what religion or “his story” has taught. The Investigator must ask an Internet Search Engine these Questions:
B-1) “Is Baal the God of the Bible” or “Was Baal the original God of the Bible”? A person seeking the Truth will be amazed at how much Presence Baal had upon the early worshippers of God. It was the later generations that attempted to remove these truths from God’s History.
B-2) It doesn’t stop there. You should now do an Internet search asking: “What is (or was) the relationship between Moses and Pharaoh Akhenaten” or “Is Moses Pharaoh Akhenaten”? Please don’t follow “what you’ve been taught”. That is “his story” and is a program. Perform your own research. Moses appeared before Pharaoh with a Serpent (Exodus 7:9). Jesus compared His Coming and the “Lifting Up (Angels Gathering Humans Into Heavenly Jerusalem (Holy City)-Matthew 24:30; Matthew 28:50-54)” to Moses’ Serpent (John 3:14). Jesus knew the exact same thing that much of the world knows. The Serpent symbolizes life, death, and rebirth (being “born again”-John 3:1-16; Revelation 13:3-4; Revelation 12:1-14).
Notice how the Bible often Associates Jesus’ Birth, Crucifying Death, and Resurrection with Egypt (Matthew 2:1-10; Revelation 11:7-8).
Notice how the Bible Associates Jesus and God with Astrology (Matthew 2:1-10; Matthew 24:29-34; Joel 2:25-32).
Notice how Jesus is Equated With The Sun (Malachi 4:1-8; Matthew 17:1-5; Revelation 1:10-16; Revelation 19:17).
B-3) Perform an Internet Research. Search these topics: “Gath Egypt”, “Gath 18th Dynasty”, “Megiddo Egypt”, and “Megiddo 18th Century”. Pharaoh Akhenaten (Moses?) is associated with Egypt’s 18th Dynasty. Gath (the
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