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computer your company would really be in big trouble.

The opposite of Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt is PMA which means your confidence is not shaken and you will be decisive, caring, and find perseverance and function to purchase whatever computer is best for your company. You are not afraid of negatives any longer and you come to realize that all negative ideas do is drive you to a stronger positive mental attitude.

Negatives must be removed from your speech and thoughts to go along with an Attitude to Assimilate and take Action in life. Action leads to Belief and a Committed heart. Out of such a mind-set of the Positive Mental Attitude you find such a posture, that success will certainly flow in humility, and you will have prosperity to give and to serve others. And this leads me to my point: It’s all about the other guy…Who you are helping…It’s about others!

Are you ready to obey that wee small voice within and to take Action, Believe, and be Committed. Obedience in the little things brings about the overcomer life. Something I missed for too long a time.

“But wait, there’s more..” If you don’t take away anything from this read, do take away an understanding of that popular movie “The Wizard of Oz”. The good qualities (knowledge, courage, heart, leadership) on the Yellow Brick road is you, the wicked witch is badness, and the Emerald City is your quest. Seriously, how focused and determined was Dorothy? Nothing hindered her focus to get home and have the victory. She was never a victim and always positive and caring. Her real love for others was manifested.

What’s your quest, your dream, your vision? Isn’t your quest about you and other’s saying

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