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The FSS exploits native cultures around the world by learning their sacred ceremonies, then selling that knowledge as a product in classes and workshops. They don’t respect the sacredness of these ceremonies and turn it into a career or a way to make money once they learn. We aren’t against people learning our spirituallity, but we are trying to let people know that the way they are going about learning, and the way they are using the knowledge once they have it is very disrespectful.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

25 Responses to Protest Against the Foundation for Shamanic Studies

  • algalverge says:

    i support you. the commercialization/workshop approach kills it stone dead. and is disrespectful TO US ALL – because – we all deserve spirit knowledge and elders to teach it , but not for three hundred bucks. i think you did a good thing and raised the corner of a carpet many people sweep rubbish under.thanks,

  • trinchcoat says:

    so how are average people suppose to learn about shamanism, im not paying for my training because i have no money. ive been doing my training online but i sure cant go to each of these cultures and ask them for permission to learn what they know about spiritualism. and if i did, would i be taken seriously. i would think that everyone could benifit form the teachings of shamanism. seems more like the color of my skin is why i shouldn’t be aloud to learn. daniel didn’t like being called white.

  • Kevinontheroad says:

    These protesters are sadly misinformed. I’ve taken some of these courses. FSS does NOT borrow ceremonies or rituals; part of the charter is that this is not the work of FSS. One would think protesters who are going to go to this kind of length would at least find out what they think they are protesting against. Read the FSS website to truly understand the work. There is no exploitation whatsoever, in fact, assisting shamanic cultures in maintaining their traditions is part of the FSS work.

  • XMoonSeekerX says:

    I dont care for Harners work. The pain is that there are few shamanic-esque belief systems out there for people who cant or wont belief in a world religion. Most people cant fly across the world or go running around look for those who still practice and learn about their belief system, and even still thats still cultural appropriation no way around it. People like that really are stuck in a damned if they do, damned if they dont kind of citation.

  • sharedfaith says:

    it takes time and real training… the time is hear.
    be in your heart, all is ceremonie now.

  • theunknownknows says:

    Is no answer my answer? Nothing new under the sun.

  • theunknownknows says:

    @Romanorum “Those questions are hard to answer because we don’t say those things to people.”
    That, I can respect, and you know why.
    Now, for someone who might have a shamanic talent, but has no relative, friend, or neighbor to help them develop their talent? Are you saying they should disregard anything from FSS (which, though “for sale” IS readily available), or perhaps ignore their talent altogether? See where I’m going here?

  • Romanorum says:

    @theunknownknows Those questions are hard to answer because we don’t say those things to people. Most of what our medicine men know have been passed down by men, orally. All of the ceremonies are as they have been since they were first given to us, and we don’t change them for good reasons. Every tribe has different ways, but those ways don’t change or water down. They are kept by special people, not people who pay 300$ to play Shaman.

  • theunknownknows says:

    So…where did those shamanic ceremonies come from? Doesn’t the shaman learn much of what he knows from the spirit world, rather than their own culture (thus explaining the similarities in shamanic techniques across the world)? It just seems like there’s more important things to worry about than what the shamans of the world are or aren’t doing. But I’m interested, so give me some more of your side, if you want.

  • Romanorum says:

    @theunknownknows Our goal was not to stop them from learning, but to make them aware of how they are disrespecting ceremonies. We can’t tell them how they can and can not live, but we can educate them from a different point of view.

  • theunknownknows says:

    “…the way they are using the knowledge once they have it is very disrespectful.”
    You can’t stop anyone from using their knowledge as they wish, whether it be shamanic knowledge or any other kind. So your errand falls into the category of Fool.

  • Pfadder says:


    Yep. Like I said: I used Harners Techniques, which then turned into my own way of doing shamanic work, as the spirits told me. Harner´s stuff should be sen as a bare bone, where the practitioner and his spirits should put flesh on. The core techniques like the drum journey is als practiced in siberia, and in the old days there were even shamans in my area, they were just called witches, seidh people or sorcerers.

  • Romanorum says:


    I don’t know how you think we do things, but if you claim I don’t understand how my own culture does things and you do, that’s a very disrespectful thing to say. If you want to know the truth, not a romanticised plastic “Shamanism” class I can tell you, but I don’t know if you’re able to hear it. My culture has been doing things the same way for a long time and Michael Harner captured none of it. Look at some of my other videos and you might see it from our point of view.

  • bill71161 says:

    All of the men of the world need to be healed and what better way than to teach the old ways. When a man brings positivity to the world he shares it with many, when he fights what he does not understand he fights alone. May the creator show you the proper way for a positive life-“one who knows”!

  • bill71161 says:

    . Native American shamanism is but a part of the shamanic tradition of the world. Be great and take the voice that you seem to have and make a difference, not by fighting what you perceve as theft, but by adding your voice, your knowledge, and your spirit to help bring shamanism to the world.

  • bill71161 says:

    (part3)You degrade your ancestors and their shamanistic beliefs by what you are doing. The great creator gave us four directions as well as within and withouy – there is not and never is only one way. understand the greater good being done here and if it is within you join and teach your traditions as part of a family of shamanistic lessons.

  • bill71161 says:

    Spend less time fighting what you do not understand and embrase the positive nature of teaching peace, love for the land and the spiritsthat the creator made for us.

  • bill71161 says:

    (part2)A big sign and a misdirected angry bunch of young men does not portray right. It only portrays ignorance for what you seem to be fighting. Without great respectful people like Michael Harner the world would forget shamanism within your lifetime.And since we all came out of africa where shamanism still is strong we are all brothers under the skin.

  • bill71161 says:

    You should be thankful for the FSS and its responsible way of teaching “CORE” shamanism. There are no specific cultural “SECRETS” taught, but a core vission of all shamanism-which by the way belongs to the world. You and your culture are not the only peoples to have shamans in the World. Maybe if you put down your signs and picked up a book to read and truly understand what shamanic practices are you would understand.

  • bill71161 says:

    You should be thankful for the FSS and its responsible way of teaching “CORE” shamanism. There are no specific cultural “SECRETS” taught, but a core vission of all shamanism-which by the way belongs to the world. You and your culture are not the only peoples to have shamans in the World. Maybe if you put down your signs and picked up a book to read and truly understand what shamanic practices are you would understand.

  • mcnowski says:

    Culture comes from Shamanism not the other way around.

  • Romanorum says:

    I will bring them back in an updated form later. Don’t worry.

  • Jenfucius says:

    Romanorum what happen to all your videos? They were good!

  • Jenfucius says:

    Good work!

  • Punohuspicks says:

    by the way it was seeing all you guys and the stuff about White eagle freakwoman, that alerted me to all of this. She came here too. We sent out the word. Not too many peple came to her thing on the big island I heard. THis guy Dattaqtreya is charging 2 to 4 THOUSAND dollars to come here and mess around. We got him stopped sort of though. We hope.

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