This is the centre of personal power and authority recognition. The drive for self recognition also manifests in the form of spiritual pursuits and ultimately culminates into the drive of self discovery. Concept of self identity, self discovery and self concept are dealt here. Therefore consciousness here finds the possibility to stretch power consuming plane of consciousness to the plane of self discovery that is nothing but the process to find ones identity or better to say the true identity. The plane of ego is subtler than the levels of the first two levels.
Anahata chakra
Here at this level energy takes larger patterns from the focus on ego and its desires and activities. This is a growth towards more refined form of expression. This is the seat of balance; balancing the energies of both lower and the higher realms. Consciousness moves from the personal self centered dimension to the transpersonal dimension of consciousness. So the transcendence of ego takes place here.
Symbolically speaking this chakra is presented as 12petallled lotus. This chakra is situated between the 7 main Chakras, is also the centre of balance and harmony. Represented by a hexagon signifying the harmonious movement of consciousness and this harmony expresses itself in the form of some very refined qualities like universal unconditioned love and compassion. This plane represents the shift or a departure from instinctual realm of consciousness to more humane plane of existence. Here rationality of manipura is transcended and hence is also the centre of intuitive mind (Buddhist tantra). Even Hindu tantra studies this center as the centre of very refined feeling. Sensitivity also gets refined here to the extent that is transcends