Psychic Tarot Reading
The tarot is a set of cards (typically having seventy eight cards in total) that is used for the foretelling of a person’s future. Tarot is also known as tarocchi, tarock or similar names. The cards are used in some countries such as Italy and France to play parlour tarot card games, but the more well known and popular use of the cards is as a tool used for divinatory purposes. Each card in a tarot has a variety of meanings which have evolved over the years. It is not possible or appropriate to try and gauge the meaning of a n individual card. The meaning depends on the combination of cards that are picked out. The cards are divided into two parts – the minor arcana and the major arcana.
The Minor Arcana
The minor arcana closely corresponds to the playing cards we are used to. There are ten number cards (ace to ten) and four face cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King). There are four suits, each of which corresponds with one of the four alchemical elements. They are:
1.Pentagrams corresponding with Earth
2.Swords with Air
3.Wands with Fire
4.Cups with water
The Major Arcana
This is a set of twenty two cards numbered zero to twenty one. They are not divided into suits but each one of them represents a stage of the person’s life. The cards are:
•The Fool
•The Magician
•The High Priestess
•The Empress
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