•The Emperor
•The Hierophant (the Pope)
•The Lovers
•The Chariot
•The Hermit
•The Wheel
•The Hanged Man
•The Devil
•The Tower
•The Star
•The Moon
•The Sun
•The World
The exact interpretation of the cards is highly subjective and thus tarot reading should be undertaken by a qualified and experienced psychic. Tarot reading is one of the many types of readings performed by Amira Celon. She is an accomplished tarot card reader and has provided life-changing advice to a number of people all across Australia. To know more about Amira, please visit www.psychicamira.com
Author illustrates his points with examples from many other Australian and international fiction writers, presenting a candid picture of the pleasures and pitfalls across a diversity of fiction-writing experiences.www.psychicamira.com
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