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tarot history
by wallyg

Psychic Tarot Readings – Past Life

The tarot history is varied and just like the cards themselves, colourful. They were supposedly brought to Europe by wandering tribes of gypsies, some time after the year 1300 ad. There probably never was and never is a gypsy camp without a pack of cards of some sort and a member of the travellers’ group who can read them.

The tarot pack consists of 78 cards, with 56 of them suit cards. The additional 22 cards all bear symbolic pictures, such as The Juggler, The High Priestess, The Lovers and so on.

The modern day tarot phone reading can be highly illuminating and help ones life greatly.

The art of cartomancy lies more in the skills and interpretation of the reader than in the cards themselves. Many skilled tarot phone readers use various packs from Rider Waite, to Osho Zen, and also simply playing cards.

Fortune telling with cards is a fascinating past-time, and produces suprises in the form of predictions. The tarot cards themselves show the weaving of the human journey with all of its challenges and pitfalls, they are a reflection of the birth, life, death cycle.

There are many card layouts for readings including the celtic cross, the mystic cross, simply 3 card spread and many more.

There are so many benefits to having a past life tarot reading and more and more these days we have a need to understand our roots. You may be aware that we can trace our ancestry through DNA and there has been an increased interest in this and a need to understand our past lives. We have a need to understand why we do certain things that we do and why we attract certain things in our lives.

Many of my tarot readings identify some links

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