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from the book of Thoth. This legendary book is believed to contain knowledge of highest order, so powerful that it could allow the reader to summon great powers over the earth and sky and also contained great powerful spell casting knowledge. And the Egyptian words for this book is believed to be Tar Ro “royal pathway” a pathway for opening the doors to spiritual dimension where wisdom and knowledge were at its highest consciousness.

This knowledge was believed to be guarded by mystics for over 2500 years. According to the myths and legends it made its way back on the scene to be read and translated by the wondering nomadic tribes called the Roma (now known as Romani or Gypsies, it is also said that those coming from Egypt were called Gypsies) these tribes had gained the wisdom and knowledge of tarot and mysticism, because their nomadic living which means that they travel, therefore tarot knowledge was carried with them. These assumptions cannot be proven and is left to the imagination of the researcher. One thing is certain and that is it had to have powers of dimension which are not visible yet exist, or else as we humans do not care to give much importance to those things which we find to be useless.

Therefore for thousands of year’s psychic clairvoyant’s soothsayer’s intuitive people of young and old had this translation of tarot at their hands to decipher the codes hidden in symbols? And there are many psychic clairvoyant today who understand this sacred royal pathway, psychic tarot readers walk on this pathway even though this road might

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