5-24-07 – I took “Vision Quest” the movie and made it look gay – it for Showtune Nights on Friday
Video Rating: 3 / 5
5-24-07 – I took “Vision Quest” the movie and made it look gay – it for Showtune Nights on Friday
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Wow dude your a real douche makin fun of wrestling I hope you feel good about yourself for makin this stupid lil video I wish I could see you right now I’d beat the crap outta you
I just love that whoever made this is using the quintessential gay mans favorite band…Duran Duran.
@OVwrestler Or if wrestling were a gay easy sport (WHICH IT CERTANLY ISN’T) it would be called “Basketball” or maybe even “GOLF”.
@qserthib I would seriously love to meet the little bitch that made this video just to kiss his ass as well. You’re not alone dude, I bet you’re right about his playing basketball or being a “Pumpkin Pounder” as my team calls them. They are mad because the ONLY thing basketball courts are good for is for being the perfect size for WRESTLING mats. I bet his mom also had to cut off the crust to his PB & J when he was in high school.
id beat his ass too if this inst in good humor and made to make fun of wrestling. a good old pick up high-crotch to double chicken wings should do the trick
Lmao, I’d like to meet the fucker who made this vid. Let me guess you played basketball in highschool, or shit maybe you were part of the cheerleading squad. Did the wrestlers give you a hard time, did your mama have to tuck you in at night, and tell you that you were special..? Your a fucking joke..
you didnt do a very good job