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Meet the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, introduced by Janet Weber, Assistant to the Grandmother’s Council. Janet has been affiliated with the Center for Sacred Studies since the mid-1990s, and is an Interfaith Minister. Her work is in support of native elders and teachings of the Sacred Hoop. DESCRIPTION OF THE GRANDMOTHER’S COUNCIL [Compiled by Interfaith Minister Janet Weber, The Center for Sacred Studies] This unique council of indigenous women elders, some who are in their 80s, are from Arctic Alaska, the Amazon/Brazil, Tibet, Nepal, Gabon, tribes in Oregon, Mexico, New Zealand, Lapland, as well as Hopi, Lakota, Arapaho, and Mayan peoples. The Grandmothers Council is heralding the return of the Sacred Feminine on the planet—as foretold in many prophecies. The Grandmothers serve as healers, shamans and spiritual leaders in their communities as well as internationally. The Council was initiated by a visionary woman named Jyoti (Jeanne Prevatt, Ph.D.), who serves as Director of the Center for Sacred Studies in California. The Grandmothers first met in Upstate New York 2004 at the Global Women’s Gathering, with Gloria Steinem, Alice Walker, Wilma Mankiller, Tenzing Palmo and others. Every 6 months the Grandmothers meet at another homeland offering prayer ceremonies from their traditions, then holding council on the environment, youth, education, women’s wisdom and empowerment, prophecy, protection of ceremony, medicine plants, etc. Past
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Shaman Music
Video Rating: 4 / 5

29 Responses to Pt. 1 Int’l Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers

  • voodooskater says:

    please tell me the band !

  • arsch78 says:

    oh, hello.
    You speaks english, fine.
    I love this song. Can you tell me, who is ist? The name of this song? I there a CD of the band? Whats the name of the band? 🙂

    I hope, you understand my bad english *laughing* 🙂

    Best wishes from Germany.


  • aviaxis says:

    I have no idea what you just said :)… maybe only the “song is great”? 🙂 … and then “thanks”?

  • arsch78 says:

    Hallo Aviaxis,

    das Lied ist wunderbar.
    Kannst du mir sagen, von wem es stammt? Tausend Dank dafür.

    Viele Grüße 🙂

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