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Meet the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, introduced by Janet Weber, Assistant to the Grandmother’s Council. Janet has been affiliated with the Center for Sacred Studies since the mid-1990s, and is an Interfaith Minister. Her work is in support of native elders and teachings of the Sacred Hoop. DESCRIPTION OF THE GRANDMOTHER’S COUNCIL [Compiled by Interfaith Minister Janet Weber, The Center for Sacred Studies] This unique council of indigenous women elders, some who are in their 80s, are from Arctic Alaska, the Amazon/Brazil, Tibet, Nepal, Gabon, tribes in Oregon, Mexico, New Zealand, Lapland, as well as Hopi, Lakota, Arapaho, and Mayan peoples. The Grandmothers Council is heralding the return of the Sacred Feminine on the planet—as foretold in many prophecies. The Grandmothers serve as healers, shamans and spiritual leaders in their communities as well as internationally. The Council was initiated by a visionary woman named Jyoti (Jeanne Prevatt, Ph.D.), who serves as Director of the Center for Sacred Studies in California. The Grandmothers first met in Upstate New York 2004 at the Global Women’s Gathering, with Gloria Steinem, Alice Walker, Wilma Mankiller, Tenzing Palmo and others. Every 6 months the Grandmothers meet at another homeland offering prayer ceremonies from their traditions, then holding council on the environment, youth, education, women’s wisdom and empowerment, prophecy, protection of ceremony, medicine plants, etc. Past
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Shaman Music
Video Rating: 4 / 5

29 Responses to Pt. 1 Int’l Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers

  • TooLF8th says:

    Thank you for posting, it helps seing other doing the right thing when one self still struggle to get out of the mist.
    Peace and love, heartfelt and soultuching, and pure as water.
    That`s the true language, and these pople are helping us remember that. =)

  • WyteDove says:

    Thank you for sharing this~pCe~from my heart to yours~

  • TheNSAIE says:

    Thanks for sharing!

  • suzarine says:

    Thank you very much for posting this very important messages. It is about time the whole world listens to this beautifull women with their prayers and visions, the beating hearts of Mother Earth..thank you, bless you, bless all woman and Mother Earth.

  • veronica4987 says:

    all the wisdom! we as a people need to listen we ARE one no matter race or color ! we all dance to the same beat of the drum, our heartbeat!

  • WhiteStarWoman says:

    Everyone’s posts have pretty much said it but may I add , have there ever been 13 more beautiful faces? You can just see the love that radiates from these women! It’s like looking into the faces of Angels! Thankyou so much for the post and I’ll thank the Great Spirit for allowing me to start my day with such inspiration!

  • HamsaYogiFrance says:

    Thank you for Being !
    I wish clOwn-love your way
    for vibrant display
    of Hu-Man smile on mama Earth,
    our garden of constant birth !

    May the healing gush forth,
    Earth-Peace through Self-Peace,

  • DeathShamans says:

    thank you for sharing this wisdom… when i lived in Seattle the Lummi tribe would host another group of indigenous grandmothers. I am the next generation and a Death Shaman now training my young women under 40 to overcome all illusion so they can bring back the red, white, black and yellow nation female dreamkeepers who are the gatekeepers. Thank you for making my work easier.

  • RCGva says:

    Thank you for sharing. May your message reach all the people.

  • hj351 says:

    Hi, thank you very much for posting this.

  • GwynMorgan says:

    This is beautiful and inspiring, I cant wait to watch the rest in this series. Thank you so much for posting.
    Love and light to all….

  • grannyrain says:

    The message of the Grandmothers is vitally important for our time – all people from all walks of life, regardless of religious or spiritual beliefs, should take the time to listen to the message and obtain the movie when it becomes available. I think it’s urgent, especially for us American Indian women to help in any way that we can to get their message out to the world. We too, are Mothers, Grandmothers and this is our sacred duty. Blessings to all who are helping to share the message.

  • SoulMammoth says:

    Those Icelandic Heyokas are my friends aunties

  • claushah says:

    Agnes Pilgrim Baker, I got to see her at an Earthdance in CA, very captivating. I remember just tearing up the whole time listening to all of the elders.

  • 7661492 says:

    TANGRI Turkleri…

  • ObaNarayanShivaji999 says:


  • AXOLOT68 says:

    excelente musica
    felicidades desde mexico

  • Tengri89 says:


  • 3MoonGDSS says:

    ~ Thank you.. many blessings your way~ in love, light, passion, joy.. peace and harmony~

  • alxphax says:

    Great.. sounds beautifull

  • Razielmn says:

    great sound! 😀 i think backround picture is Sybirian Mongolic shamanis’s draw….

  • ErikTangerby says:

    I actually have the song with lyrics on my playlist ‘Indian musik’

  • ErikTangerby says:

    The band is called Alborada, and the song Kabra Ñawy

  • baghyra88 says:

    Try Salaskamarka: Shaman or Hoktezuma: The Indian Songs. Both pretty great and one of them has this song as well – I cannot recollect which one, sorry. 🙂

  • aviaxis says:

    I think it’s Buffalo Plain

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