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Patch 3.3 has been applied to the Public Test Realm. The Fire Nova Totem wil be removed and instead we get an AoE fire Nova Spell. You can find the complete Patch Notes here. Shamans * Fire Nova Totem: This totem has been replaced with a new spell, Fire Nova, which is available at the same ranks as the old Fire Nova Totem. Existing characters will automatically learn this new spell in place of the totem. With a Fire Totem active, shamans will be able to use Fire Nova (fire magic) to emit the same area-of-effect damage as the old Fire Nova Totem from the active Fire Totem, not consuming the totem in the process. Fire Nova will activate a 1.5-second global cooldown when used and has a 10-second spell cooldown. The caster must be within 30 yards of the totem to use this ability, but does not need to be within line of sight of the totem. o Talents + Elemental Combat # Improved Fire Nova Totem: Renamed Improved Fire Nova. This talent now provides an additional 10/20% damage to the spell and reduces the cooldown by 2/4 seconds. * Glyph of Fire Nova Totem: Renamed Glyph of Fire Nova. This glyph now reduces the cooldown of Fire Nova by 3 seconds. Since these changes are quite interesting I have been to the PTR and made a little video demonstrating the new Fire Nova spell. Since Fire Nova, costs about 1k Mana it is really no option as enhancement to use it glyphed, while the Talents with 20% more damage sound quite interesting. Especially since we will end up with a 6 second
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to PTR Patch 3.3 Shaman Fire Nova (Enhancement)

  • yourmomissofunny says:

    @qsdfqsdfqsdfq Talented into Static Shock

  • myrddinde says:


    select the red “?” as icon 😀

  • orlrlz says:

    i tried that macro of yours and its great but mine doesn’t change spell icons like yours in the video what should i do?

  • myrddinde says:

    think I explained a lot of macros on my website myrddin de

  • Joohaan53 says:

    Hey can u lay out a vedio when u show what macros u use and how to get them in? 🙂

  • vortic5 says:

    grindin has just become easier!

  • resengan94 says:

    dude sorry for the stupid question but how does the spells change in the second bar (lavalash,firenova….)?

  • myrddinde says:


    Its still dps, so ye …. why ever use water shield? As you can see there is plenty on mana – even if I spam it glyphed I do not run oom.

  • qsdfqsdfqsdfq says:

    wjhy bother use elemental shield on a dummy .. use watershield to get mana regen?

  • Novacore88 says:

    I rocked old skool two hand enh shammys back int he day still have my shammy to this day, sadly were not what we used to be. and what I hear from Cata, shammys will tank again….. Great…. Im gona reroll to something less reatrded now.

  • raggarlover says:

    lol just 15 earth shocks

  • JEAG says:

    That’s shit… I’d love a secure stun whenever i wanted to…

  • JEAG says:

    That’s mana consuming… you couldn’t keep up with it…

  • JEAG says:

    Ohhh thats… Weird… SO i can have like a magma totem and EarthBind and explode the already devastating magma totem anytime i want to? W T F… Well… I would prefer to explode around the character…

  • JEAG says:

    How the fuck did you do that… I need that kind of crap for me to not waste Maelstrom Waepon… I just leave it there… I can’t remeber that existence of it while in combat…

  • JEAG says:

    if this spell keeps the stun abilitie of the fire nova totem the shamans are gonna be a unbeatable class… Is just too much… I love it… Go my shammy!

  • XxTh33ndxX says:

    cant down an enemy when shamans are the worst survivabilty class in wow

  • rosenvitae says:

    If you have the totem relic that gives you 400ap for 15sec after LL (like I do), you’d want to prioritize it more (basically 100% uptime)

  • myrddinde says:

    Well imo you should not mix abilities that can be stopped by silence or by disarm in the same macro.

    In your case you’d jsut make a longer sequence like:

    /castsequence reset=6 Storm Strike, Fire Nova, Lava Lash, Fire Nova

    personally I gave FN a new button sinc eit requires a fire totem to work and on some moving fights it is just mess with your gcd’s too much

    Glyphed Fire Nova is nice, but in single target I can hardly make use of each CD, but on AoE fights it is really imba …

  • rosenvitae says:

    For peak performance, I mouseroll on my main abilities (rocks as caster, also useful for melee).

    Most of Ensidia’s Enhancement shamans can be seen on armory having Imp. FN with glyph, and I’m still working on rotations.

    My mouseroll macro is this:
    #showtooltip Lava Lash
    /use (trinket)
    /castsequence reset=6 Lava Lash, Storm Strike

    I tried with this alternative: reset=3 Fire Nova, LL, SS.
    This makes good use of FN (with only 3sec cool), but I dont see much increase in single%t dps. Any advice?

  • myrddinde says:

    I did not say that, I am using lava lash when I have no other buttons to press.

  • peterhuynh2k7 says:

    so lava lash shouldn’t be used than?

  • myrddinde says:


    I am using FN instead of Lava Lash atm and only use Lava LAsh if there is absolutely no other button to press. Upgraded my totem to the ICC Emblem one to no longer be dependant from LL.

  • peterhuynh2k7 says:

    hey would it be good to use FN as first priorty such as FN->SS->ES->LL->MSW5? instead of your rotation

  • myrddinde says:

    Public Test Realm

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