used to argue for or against faith.
Dependant on the individual’s attitude the choice can be in favor of either one option or the other. For this, absolute freedom of choice is needed in order to make the decision, since there is no evidence to give support to either option.
Tension and harmony between reason and belief has marked distinctions of attitudes throughout the ages. It has been the cause of extremes in attitudes (pros: St. Augustine, Aristotle, Leibniz and cons: Nietzsche, Russell, Sartre) as well as oscillations between metaphysics and scientific objectivism.
Objectivism was brought about through verificationalism and reductionalism (Galilee, Laplace and Descartes) in opposition to the dogmatic teachings of the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. or in opposition, due to lack of evidence. This is levels where the two do not meet. They might be in par Scientific knowledge is an empirical symbolic identification that can be parallel to belief but on two different and distinct allelism because the criterion of scientific empiricism cannot apply to systems of belief. The two are completely separated.They can be exploited to consolidate one another, which is often the case (Aristotle, Galilee, Hawkins). The orbit of the earth around the sun cannot be taken as a proof, or as evidence, for the existence of a designer nor as a disproof for such a designer.
For the believer, the orbit needs a cause-designer time-keeper, but the absence of means to verify the need for such a presumption consolidates the argument of the disbeliever.
Both cannot establish an evidence for their arguments but rather can only make a choice. In any way, the individual can not escape belief or disbelief.
The different attitudes
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