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of Kant and Heidegger indicate in this sense tension between speculative metaphysics and the impact of science. The discomfort of metaphysical speculation, which is non verifiable by science, has prompted Kant to think that speculative reason is not real and has no sense except with regard to its compliance with practical reason(experience), which in its turn does not stop to provide ends.

Observation does not provide us with significance but it is our value judgment that does so. If a sense of order is figured out by watching natural phenomenon, it is our orientation to recognize such a reaction that allows a sense of order.

Order can be presumed on observing the universe, its form, structure, movement, change and cycles. Albert Einstein mentions, ‘We find in the objective world a high degree of order’. It is claimed by some scientists that if the Big bang was advanced or retarded one split of a trillion of a fraction of evidence, and escapes it by discarding it but ma and life may have never been produced.

A second, the universe would have been in a different shape Galaxies (condensed presumably from a nebula of dust and gas matter) are submitted to rigorous precision of ‘order’ otherwise the universe would have not developed in its present form. Planet earth is constructed in such a way that life in its multiple and complex forms appeared. Conditions of life themselves are submitted to succinct order, control, laws and rigorous discipline. Any perturbation in the conditions of life (lack of oxygen, exposition to ozone zone, important perturbances in atmospheric pressure, density and zone of flora) renders life impossible. Any disorder in the rotation of earth around its axis or its orbits would result in disappearance

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