Confronting the Universe
The starting point of knowledge is that ‘man has to confront with the universe’ and ‘the need to explain it’.
In the first place, we must face scientific explanations of the universe and its constituent parts. The ‘complexity principle’ adopted by Hubert Reeves proclaims a complex structure found already in the constants of the universe since the setting off of the cosmic process. He specifies that, ‘the Universe possesses, right from the first instances, the proprieties requisite to elaborate the complexity’. This can be conceded if we accept the hypothetical assumption of a beginning singularity.
This complexity that has given birth, development and structure to the universe depends on relatively meager number of fundamental constants. Without these constants the universe can neither be nor can be dilated up to its present form already in progression or in digression.
The structure of numerous systems in nature, from the microscopic scale to cosmological scale, is based on the values of this relatively small number of fundamental constants of physics.
The following tables A and B explain this idea:
Table A
The fundamental constants of physics
Quantity Symbol Numeric values
Light speed c 3x10p8 m/sec
Electric charge of
e 1,6x10p-19
eo 8,85x10p-12
farad m-1
Constant of
h 6,63x10p-34
joule sec
Constant of
k 1,38x10p-23
Mass at rest of
mp 1,67x10p-27 kg
Mass at rest
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