systems, without separating ourselves from the field of science, a kind of immanent finality to the universe, a profound coherence of all its constituent parts.
Science searches for a scientific coherent theory that can explain everything. A unique theory such as the hypothetical Theory of Strings or the hypothetic M-theory (Master theory) enigmas then how can knowledge be considered as knowledge?
that can be able to describe all fundamental interactions of matter and its laws in order to comprehend the secrets of the world from the infinitely small to the infinitely big.
The attempt, for example, of Stephen Hawkins to unify quantum theory with the Theory of General Relativity is, up to now, non realizable. The Theory of Strings remains also a hypothetical postulate rejected by many scientists.
Descamps mentions that ‘science eliminates finality from its discourse, but this total dismissal on the part of scientific…
1. Sciences et Avenir (Journal), Octobre, 2000, Paris, France.
…progress inaugurates a new model of phenomena
interpretation: it is of the machine and mechanicism, which discards, in the least rationality i.e. the spiritualist finalist model.’ He considers further, ‘that the mechanicist explanation of the real refinds itself more reinforced and legitimated by the fact that it opens up innumerable possibilities for technical realizations: its scientific richness can thus be measured and this measure is made in the light of its technical applications that it allows.’ (Sciences et Avenir, November, 2000).
The comprehensiveness of man in the universe does not contradict his capacity to take a distance, even in a limited and artificial way,
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