finality of the universe and its constituent parts. We are assuming in this work that this presumed inaccessibility to ultimate knowledge is meaningful. It can be permanent without being pessimist. Its significance lies in the fact that we are unable, so far, to unveil ultimate knowledge. The inaccessibility to ultimate knowledge leads to a state of presumed ignorance. This state knowledge blocks its progress. Confronting of ‘assumed ignorance’ is attained only through knowledge, where gradually but surely we recognize it by its dead ends.
We assume further that this presumed ‘state of ignorance’ is ‘inevitable’. Knowing attains a certain point where ultimate his enigma the individual aspires for an explanation. From the need for explanations emerges suppositions of causes that can bring about a universe of such dimensions and exactitude. Lack of proof for or against these suppositions creates a two-fold alternative obliging the observer to make his own choice. At this crossroad man is obliged to choose between belief and disbelief. This choice is presented in a two-options-alternative and does not allow for dialectical synthesis. It is either the one, belief, or the other, disbelief, in a creator-cause.
No individual can believe and disbelieve at one and the same time. And a synthesis of the two is not possible.
Man himself, as one dimension of matter in time, an expression of life realizes gradually his position in this infinite universe, his role and function. He finds himself in a certain shape and form, size and characteristics. He is endowed with the faculties of survival and comprehension. His innate curiosity leads him to inquire into the enigmatic presence of the universe and his own. Man improvises with
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