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differences.” HU SHIH –“Even the absolute universality of the law of causality does not necessarily limit a person’s freedom, because the law of causality not only enables him to explain the past and predict the future, but also encourages him to use his intelligence to create new causes and attain new results.” HUA HU CHING –“There are two paths leading to oneness with the Tao. The first is acceptance. Affirm everyone and everything. Extend your goodwill and virtue in every direction. Embrace all things as part of the Harmonious Oneness. The second path is that of; denial. Recognise that everything you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion. Peel off the veils, and you will arrive at the Oneness. The two paths are entirely different, but they will deliver you to the same place: spontaneous awareness of the Great Oneness.” HUAI NAN TZU –“There is nothing in the world easier than goodness and nothing more difficult than depravity. By ‘goodness’ is meant tranquility of mind, undisturbed by cupidity. By ‘depravity’ is meant a grasping spirit with many cravings. He, who is satisfied with the simple needs of his nature, refusing the superfluous delights of the world, will not be tempted by any seductions. He, who follows the law of his nature, will preserve his soul, without any inward conflicts. Hence the statement, ‘It is easy to be good’. Clambering up city walls, scaling dangerous heights, thieving the official keys, forging and stealing official money, rebelling and murdering, lying and bearing false witness, are acts contrary to human nature. Hence the saying, ‘It is difficult to be bad.’” HUANG PO –“Do not permit the events of your daily life to bind you, but never withdraw yourself from them.” HUANG PO –“Do not

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