of life without fear of defeat.” IMAM ALL IBN AL-HUSAYN –“0 God,/ give lis water through rain,/ helping, productive, fertilising, widespread, plentiful, abundant,/bringing back the risen, restoring the broken!” IMAM ALL IBN AL-HUSAYN –“0 God,/ give us water with a watering through which Thou wilt/ make the stone hills pour./fill the cisterns,/ flood the rivers, make the trees grow,/bring down prices in the lands,/ invigorate the beasts and the creatures,/ perfect for us the agreeable things of provision, make grow for us the fields,/let flow for us the teats, and add for us strength to our strength!” IMAM ALL IBN AL-HUSAYN –“0 God,/ water us with rain, unfold upon us Thy mercy/ through Thy copious rain from the driven clouds,/ so that Thy goodly earth may grow/ on all horizons! Show kindness to Thy servants/ through the ripening of the fruit, revive Thy land/ through the blossoming of the flowers, and let Thy angels — the noble scribes —be witness to a beneficial watering from Thee/ lasting in its abundance,/ plenty in its flow,/ heavy quick, soon, through which Thou revives what has vanished, bringest forth what is coming,/ and provides! plentiful foods, through heaped up, wholesome, productive clouds,/ in reverberating layers, the rain’s downpour/ not without cease, the lightning’s flashes/ not without fruit!” IMAM GHAZALI –“Every breath of life is a precious jewel which can buy eternal treasures. Wasting these breaths or using them for detrimental purposes is such a great loss.” IMI HENDRIX –“Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.” IMITATION OF CHRIST –“Some there are who resign themselves, but with exceptions; for they put not their whole trust in God, therefore they study how to provide for themselves.
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