realization that something other than oneself is real.” IRIS MURDOCH –“People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us.” IRIS MURDOCH- “There is no substitute for the comfort supplied by the utterly taken-for granted relationship.” IRISH BLESSINGS –“May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day May songbirds serenade you every step along the way. May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that’s always blue. And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through.” IRISH BLESSINGS –“May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night and a smooth road all the way to your door.” IRISH PROVERB –“A new broom sweeps clean, but the old brush knows the corners.” IRISH PROVERB- “God often pays debts without money.” IRISH PROVERB- “If you see a two –headed pig, keeps your mouth shut.” IRISH PROVERB –“Praise youth and it mil prosper.” IRISH SAYING –“When the Chess game is over, the Pawn and the King go back to the same box.” IRVING BERLIN –“Got no cheque books, got no banks. Still I’d like to express my thanks — I got the sun in the morning and the moon at night.” IRVING BERLIN –“The toughest thing about success is that you’ve got to keep on being a success.” IRVING WALLACE –“To be one’s self, and unafraid whether right or wrong, is more admirable than the easy cowardice of surrender to conformity.” IRWIN COREY –“If we don’t change direction soon, we’ll end up where we’re going.” IRWIN FEDERMAN –“People love others not for who they are, but for how they make us feel.” ISA AL-KHARRAZ –“Do not occupy your precious time except with the most precious of
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