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social phenomenon. It tells you how to be happy.” ISLAM, HADITH –“Whoever does not have a guide, Satan is his guide.” ISLAM, HADITH OF IBN MAJAH AND BAIHAQI –“The search for knowledge is an obligation laid on every Muslim.” ISLAMIC PROVERB –“The world is the prison of believers and the paradise of non-believers.” ISREAL ZANGWILL –“A man likes his wife to be just clear enough to appreciate his cleverness, and just stupid enough to admire it.” ISSAC BOSHEVIS –“Every creator painfully experiences the change between his inner vision and its ultimate expression.” ISSAC GOLDBERG –“Diplomacy is to do a say. The nastiest thing in the right way.” ISSAC ROSENBERG –“Death could drop from the dark/As easily as song.” ITALIAN PROVERB –“Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.” ITALO CALVINO –“The ideal place for me is the one in which it is most natural to live as a foreigner.” ITALO CALVINO –“Until every shape has found its city, new cities will continue to be born.” IVAN F BOESKY –“What good is the moon? You can’t buy it or sell it.” IVAN GONCHAROV- “No devastating or redeeming fires have ever burnt in my life. My life began by flickering out.” IVAN GRANGER –“Why is it that it is among the most glacial mountain peaks that i find the greatest warmth?” IVAN ILLICH –“For most men, the right to learn is curtailed by the obligation to attend school.” IVAN ILLICH –“In consumer society there are inevitably two kinds of slaves; the prisoners of addiction and the prisoners of envy.” IVERN BALL –“Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it’s addressed to someone else.” IWAO FUJTA- “I believe all animals were provided by

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