Question by this is the end: A Vision Quest? Has anyone been on one?
I want to know my spirit animal or what ever what would you learn from one, how would i go on about doing it? What do you experience, and what cactus should i drink or what should i smoke on one?
Best answer:
Answer by chigirinosato
Get yourself a fat roll sit in that couch watch the pretty colors and don’t freak out to much when animals start talking to you.
What do you think? Answer below!
As far as I know, vision quests did not usually involve drugs, they usually involved sleep deprivation, sometimes mild dehydration and starvation or a stint in a sweat lodge.
Yeah, hayauasca will take you there. Ask Graham Hancock.
Are you even native?
What tribe?
I’m Choctaw. I haven’t been on one, but I’ll tell you, most natives don’t since we live in a world where most natives are 98% white.
Does going to the eye doctor for new glasses count?
yea.. go to the desert and pop 4 tabs of LSD… seriously though, i think you may be missing the point of this vision quest. different indigenous groups went on vision quests and to find the spirit animals because they sincerely believed in stuff like that. for some outsider who does not come from that paradigm to do this is called an excuse to trip on hallucinogens. but if you still think that you have a spirit animal and you really want to check if it comes, people usually take LSD, peyote, morning glory and stuff like that. but for someone that does not come from that system of belief, it is a waste of time and brain cells.