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Question by Lindsay S: Are shamans worth playing and which is the best race to play it?
is a shaman worth playing. If someone could pls tell or describe this class
world of Warcraft

Best answer:

Answer by jaeger138
Wana say which game you’re referring to?

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2 Responses to Q&A: Are shamans worth playing and which is the best race to play it?

  • johnny s says:

    uhhh, what game are you referring too, if your referring to world of warcraft, i’d have to say Dranei for Alliance, and Tauren for Horde, thats the only game i know with shamans in it.

  • Blue Paul says:

    I’ll assume you’re talking about World of Warcraft.

    “Shamans are a hybrid class, they can heal, DPS by nuking, DPS by meleeing, buff a group via totems and can also take a lot more punishment then clothies and even rogues.”

    In a nutshell, their 3 specs have some very specific roles.

    Enhancement: Melee DPS
    Elemental: Spell DPS
    Restoration: Healing

    Shamen are a pretty fun class to play. They have a lot of use and are starting to see some end-PvP love. If you’re new to the game, though–I would suggest leveling as enhancement, it’s pretty simple to level up.

    And as far as race goes–I suppose it depends. If you’re Horde, I would suggest an Orc.

    Obviously, if you were rolling Alliance, you’d “Have” to be Draenei–since that’s the only Alliance race that can be a shaman.

    In the end, there’s stronger healers out there right now. But the class isn’t a lost cause.

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