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tarot readings
by Pahz

Question by ShyGirl: Are Tarot or Palm readings real or just money schemes?
Do you believe in Tarot or Palm readings? Or are they just a money scheme? How could I find a reputable tarot reader in my area if they seem to be a dime a dozen?

How does visiting a tarot card reader work? Are there any other types of Psychic/Fortune-telling methods that you find to be more accurate?

Best answer:

Answer by Jody
Personally I think its all garbage.

What do you think? Answer below!

10 Responses to Q&A: Are Tarot or Palm readings real or just money schemes?

  • Mickypoo says:

    There is no method for telling the future without the existence of information and data. Anyone saying otherwise is deluded by religious faith, self interest or greed.

    You can divine the future through logic only but only with an accuracy based on the amount of available information. Life is a variable based on many variables.

  • believer_in_jesus37421 says:

    Let me ask you a question: Do you think the devil would like for you to get involved in these practices? The answer is yes—and that should be a solemn warning to you.

    The Bible is very clear: If we want to please God, we will avoid everything that has anything to do with the occult (even if it seems innocent or harmless on the surface). The reason is because occult practices of any kind could involve you with spiritual forces that are opposed to God and are, in fact , in league with the devil.

    I know that is a strong statement—but I can’t emphasize strongly enough how spiritually dangerous it is to follow Satan’s way rather than God’s way. When the Ephesians who had practiced the occult became Christians, they “brought their (magic) scrolls together and burned them publicly” (Acts 19:19). They knew there could be no compromise between their old way of living and God’s way.

    Don’t try to resist the “pull” you feel toward the occult in your own strength. Instead, by faith turn to Christ and ask Him to come into your life and give you the strength of His Holy Spirit. Don’t be deceived, but come to Christ, who alone is “the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6).

    For a FREE easy-to-understand study Bible e-mail me.


  • Taka says:

    well i will tell u this: there´re some guys who are just fake, and there´re some that are real ones, but u must take care ´cause those people ´ve demons around them or even inside them and if u´re not protected you´ll faint, now how would u can be protected? only with jesus blood, i mean , if u let him stay in your heart an accept him, telling him that u were on the wrong road he´ll save u, and he has already beaten those demons so they can do nothing in u.
    do u wanna know another type of future telling? there are Prophecies that jesus can give u, and those will be 100% true, ´case fortunate tellers some times are wrong ( most of times)

  • Evan says:

    I recently went to a card reader. She told me my next job will be in the western U.S. and I told her no way I’m going to New York on my next job. She, right then, had goose bumps and told me that it was definitely west. I went home and a couple of days later my boss called and said the job in NY was canceled and they were sending me to New Mexico. Then I got goosebumps. Still not sure what to believe however.

  • Stank says:

    Well I believe.

    I can give u a reading…without cards..
    What do u want to know? I dont charge.

    If you do go to someone I would say if they ask for A LOT of info then they are a fraud. All they should need is your name. THATS IT. If they ask for birth date sometimes it is because they are using astrology like “oh she is a libra so she is this way, that way, etc”

  • Artorius says:

    Money schemes. It’s highly improbable that a set of random cards taken from a shuffled deck, or natural lines on the palm of your hand, can for-tell your future & unveil your past.

  • Faesson says:

    You should read a little more about Tarot before you characterize it as real or “not real”. MOST of the interpretations of the cards is what gets people to believe. If you want to know if you will hit the lottery, there is no “You will hit the lottery” card in the Tarot deck. Someone flips over the 7 of Wands and says “Ah, good fortune is in your future!”

    Bah. Save your money and buy chocolate. I guarantee it will make you feel better than the stupid cards.

    Actually, the meaning of the Seven card is “To Take a Stand”, as in “Tarot is bunk”.

  • LiveReadings says:

    Yes. Yes. You can go online or get referrals from someone you trust.

    See my blog on how tarot works and why it’s not always accurate:

    I myself use Delphi or Jennifer online here as they have given me 100% accurate readings 100% of the time. They are not always online:

    You can also find me on Skype at

    Good luck.

  • paintingj says:

    Palm reading can be fun to do I can’t imagine it would really give you any guidance about your life or the future.

    Tarot cards I think are at least partly “real”. There are clearly things beyond the world we see. Do Tarot cards tap into this? I would tend to doubt it. I think Tarot cards true power comes from you. The cards have do not really have any meaning until you interpret them with aspect of your life. And I think that process where you think about things in your life is the real power.

    I do my own Tarot Readings. I am not certain how I would feel about someone else reading them for me.

  • clint b says:

    It depends.

    In the case of tarot readings, I think that tarot readings can provide a new perspective. Friends can do the same, but the tarot cards you draw will not hold back their appraisal of the question you ask. The cards may be off, but sometimes they cause you evaluate your problems from a new perspective that leads to solutions or better understanding.

    In my opinion, tarot readings are for entertainment, but they can also lead to new thoughts and approaches to to your problems.

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