Question by dmarshall9988: Are there any sites where i can get free astrology readings, tarot, numerology, etc.?
absolutely free, no b.s.
Best answer:
Answer by Tan Boon Hwee k
or u are do a search on google on free astrology readings, tarot, numerology
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
The horoscope is posted on the home page for Yahoo! There are searches at the bottom of the page for current dates. which is part of the yahoo groups. They offer FREE horoscopes plus you can also pay to have extended readings if you would like them!
Here’s one that I found that seems alright.
Try a google search for “free tarot readings” and take a look for more.
Yes one site is there ….that is Heaven! When you go there –you will get every thing absolutly FREE there as per your wish..!!
here are a few: