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Question by Eleventy: Are vision quests proof that we have animal spirit guides?
Countles Native Americans have experienced visions where they spoke to the animal spirit guides, and were immediately more mature and responsible afterward.

Is this proof that they were real?

How do you know you are not mistaken your animal guide for angels or God?

Best answer:

Answer by ????su?s
A seagull told me you are right. Wise one.

And that paradise is really a big rubbish heap where the refuse is continually supplied.

Faith is just hope, not reality, and anyone who claims differently, does it at the expense of thousands of different religions.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

7 Responses to Q&A: Are vision quests proof that we have animal spirit guides?

  • The Reverend Soleil says:


    It’s proof that peyote works.

  • Windom Earle says:

    No. Usually the talking coyote from the vision quest just turns out to be a talking dog with Johnny Cash’s voice.

  • sistermoon says:

    I am reading a good book called “Ask your Guides” by Sonia Choquette. One chapter tells you how to meet your animal guide, or totem. It is easy to understand that it is not an angel or spirit guide.
    I tried it and it worked well. There are many books on this subject.

  • Balaam's Talking Donkey says:

    That and the fact that smoke inhalation kills brain cells.

  • misdreya says:

    I’ve been through two guided meditations, and both times I’ve seen a unicorn. What does this mean from a mythical standpoint?

    But to answer your question, I have no idea if just seeing something in your head is proof that it’s real, or if the testimony and behavioral changes of Native Americans and those who follow their ways serve as proof either. For all I know, they could have changed themselves after having (what they believe is) a spiritual intervention.

  • Ralfcoder says:

    Not to me. It’s proof that man is subject to hallucinations under the right conditions, such as drug use, sleep deprivation, or hypoxia. I once saw a giant lion and a rabbit that was 3-4 feet tall in the road one night when I was driving. It wasn’t a spirit guide – it was because I had been driving for 8 hours, it was 2 AM, and I was dead tired.

  • Indigo says:

    Are people to assume you’ve both experienced it and have talked to every person (of tribal affiliation, not new agers) who has ever done so and know the outcome, or are we just guessing?

    From the folks I know (well, have “known” online for the past few years), I don’t know if their culture believes in spirit guides, I’m not bold enough to ask and nor is it any of my business, but I know they call the deity by a certain name and I’m sure it would not be mistaken for guides.

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