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Question by elbeekanob: Campfire Friday…..Sex Magic Anyone?
Beltane is just passed. Since it is a Sabbat of Fertility for most Pagans, how did you celebrate it in the spirit of the Holiday? Did you dance the Maypole, challenge the Consort for the right to bed the May Queen, perform a Great Rite? Did your fertilize you land with your seed? Were you chased by the Maidens of your clan, have a greenwood marriage, sing with Pan? Did you light a Bel Fire, pass your livestock between the fires, did you Jump the Bel Fire with a lover? Did you drum all night and dance naked around the fire?

Best answer:

Answer by oy vey
Well, since my seeds already been fertilized I guess it’s a boring night in watching Indiana Jones movies for me.

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5 Responses to Q&A: Campfire Friday…..Sex Magic Anyone?

  • Keltasia says:

    bonfire, wine, and family

  • Tahuti says:

    Yes. Yay.

  • jules says:

    Nope, nothing like that. I took my plants outside and did some gardening and then I ate Subway.

  • Heathen Princess JPA says:

    I left an offering for Freyr, watched the Maypole at the Ren fair and felt guilty for not really celebrating it more. LOL

  • Noddy T (FRNH) says:

    Put a 8 foot Maypole up on the front lawn, buried a small loaf for the wights. Over the following weekend visited Wayland’s Smithy and made sacrifice to Wayland (AKA Volundr), also walked around the Uffington White Horse’s head. Usual Heathen stuff.

    Should have picked the dandelions but didn’t now the garden is full of clocks! Grrr

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