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Question by mathew b: can a woman do something to protect herself from having sex in a magic or voodo way?
iam okay, i don’t have any erection problem, but whenever i want to have sex with this lady, it fails. So iam curious may she has done some magic to protect herself

Best answer:

Answer by weirdo
i heard when a man can’t get it up, it may be due to psychological problems

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12 Responses to Q&A: can a woman do something to protect herself from having sex in a magic or voodo way?

  • lovelesss1 says:

    errr i think its your nerves

  • Nate F says:

    that’s a bunch of bull, you just have a limp stick, get some happy pills.

  • Christine says:

    No such thing.

  • BabeHeart says:

    No, perhaps you are just too nervous, have been drinking too much, or some other issue. She cannot prevent you from having an erection(unless you believe she can).

  • bluechick says:

    Haha, I can’t believe you are trying to blame your erection disfunction problem on voodoo! Just pop a viagra and be done with it.

  • Pixie-Flames says:

    See a doctor!I don’t believe in all that wicca stuff!

  • burghgirl says:

    Yeah, it’s voodoo… Come on! You’ve probably psyched yourself up so much that you can’t get an erection. The more you think about it, the more likely it will won’t happen. Do you drink when you’re around her? Alcohol is not a friend to your penis.

  • ?JJ? says:

    Change ladies and see.

  • coatofskin says:

    hmmm…I don’t think so, being a practicing magician there’s better ways to prevent men from having sex then using voodoo/magic…I mean if she doesn’t want to have sex with you then she wouldn’t be getting naked with you, so why would she protect herself with magic, right?

  • Erica A says:

    Are you kidding—NO!

  • Rara says:

    hmm. maybe its all in ur head…yeah she uses a voodoo doll on you and she pokes it right in between the legs and you can’t get it up

  • Kaya M says:

    No brethren, it all has to do with you. The chemistry is not there and you are trying very hard to make it be there. It has happen more than once and now it is psychological. You are thinking she has some magical power to protect herself from you. Let this encounter go.

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