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Question by Yoshiyahu’s em: Christians, if a prophet is saying that…?
…it’s ok to forget the commandments of G-d, especially the Shabbat, and told you it’s ok to practice pagan rituals such as tree and fertility worshipping would you listen to him? What do you think about such a prophet?

Best answer:

Answer by ~PleasantFlower~
I’d know this prophet is a fake because G-d won’t allow His commandments to be changed by some so-called ‘prophet’!

What do you think? Answer below!

10 Responses to Q&A: Christians, if a prophet is saying that…?

  • microw says:

    – I’m not sure in Christianity, what your talking about as per – tree & fertility worshiping I don’t know of scriptural references on those. As per the commandments, No, it’s not ok to forget the commandments. Its a shame, that no one human being has ever lived life & not broken a commandment, all has fallen short of these. As per the Shabbat, Christians (Christ people ) look to the Shabbat as a shadow of things to come. So we look to Israel’s risen Messiah Jesus Christ of Nasereth as fulfillment of the Shabbat whom the Father declaired, & now has Him at his right hand side.

  • Terminator#one says:

    You must be talking about muhammad again. He is a false prophet!

  • Curtis P says:

    NO… Why would someone sent by God tell you to worship other gods??

  • SciFiNut says:

    Jesus said if you love him keep his commandments, so NO

  • Fruit Cake Lady says:

    God’s word and commandments hold true today, and will tomarrow, just as they did back then. Anyone who says differently is false. We all need to learn the Old Testament, just as we learn the New Testament. In fact, the old is more important to know than the new one. Why? Because, it is Gods word.

  • tracy211968 says:

    Jesus Christ said to be aware of false prophets.

  • Debra D says:

    Christians don’t celebrate Shabbat, it’s a Jewish holiday. The “prophet you describe is a false prophet as God said, “You shall have no false Gods before me”.

  • TIGER says:

    Please don’t ask this kind of question.
    No Prophet ever gonna say such things!

  • Theophilus says:

    As to the worship of anything but God, I would not listen to him.
    He would be a false prophet. (by the way it is not ‘profit’ as many have written on this forum).

    As to Shabbat, Paul said that some say it is one day and some say it is another, but everyday is the Lord’s day. I and the vast majority of Christians consider Sunday to be the day of rest and the day of worship, because that was the day that Jesus came out of the tomb.

    I only have one comment on this subject, preachers never get to rest of Sunday, expecially those with large churches that have to preach two or three sermons on Sunday morning, and another on Sunday evening.


  • liberianprinces says:

    i would think that he is fake because christians arnet supposed to practice those types of things anyway. it says it in the bible. so i would think that he is fake.

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