Question by zorzenko: could a brain tumor change your sexual orientation?
Hi, I need to confess that I used to be very bisexual, equally attracted to men and women, but now I am totally, and I mean totally heterosexual, I feel a strong attraction to the opposite sex (like I never did before), with no (none whatsoever) attraction to the same sex…
I’m concerned because I have also been experiencing headaches, dizzyness, and spells of fatique and light headedness.
I went to a doctor and he ordered an MRI, but just out of curiosity, should I take my sudden change in sexual orientation as a sign of something serious?
Best answer:
Answer by May J
What do you think? Answer below!
No, you should not be concerned. Maybe you just realized that you only liked experimenting with the same sex, but you changed your mind. Consider it and honor. God made men and women for a reason. I mean i accept gays and all if ya know what i mean, but you are one less corruption to this world. Honor it. Treasure it. Praise it. Love it. Appreciate it. Cherish it. Believe in it. Love it again. Over and over like no other.