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Question by Claire: Court card Tarot meanings, physical interpretations?
I’m going to order a book on court cards in Tarot, I’m interested in learning the physical interpretations of the cards, as in WHO they represent. I know that the queen of pentacles represents someone with dark hair and eyes and who is of sturdy build.

In the meantime, can anyone suggest websites websites that can tell me what physical characteristics the cards show, or can anyone list them for me.

No Christian bible bashers telling me I’m going to hell please, I can’t end up there if I don’t believe it exists so your crazy babbling won’t scare me.

Best answer:

Answer by andy e
Make it up,someone else did many years ago,do you agree or have tarot cards always been here?

What do you think? Answer below!

3 Responses to Q&A: Court card Tarot meanings, physical interpretations?

  • Mr.Longrove says:

    Best to leave tarot cards, along with any other occultic objects, alone. You’ll be opening doors that are better left closed. Just a friendly warning.

    Furthermore – Not believing in hell won’t make it go away. You WILL end up there if you reject God’s free gift of salvation.

    “Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by Me.” John 14:16

  • LJR says:

    The way I read Tarot the symbols stand for active or inactive principals and types of energy not people, but then I don’t believe that the cards predict the future either. I use their random symbols to help me rethink issues in new ways.

  • Helen says:

    I don’t place much stock in correspondence to physical traits personally, I prefer to identify them with personality types.

    For what it’s worth, Waite’s Key to the Tarot generally describes the Wands and Pentacles courts as “dark”, and the Cups courts as “fair”, he is not specific about Swords. I think you can find this book online.

    Mary K Greer has written a book specifically on Court Cards.

    There is a series of articles “How to Interpret Minor Arcana Court Cards” at and “Hidden and Secret Meanings: The Court Cards” at

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